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Montana Horse Trainer


About our Horses:

Our horses have been selected by breeding, personality and conformation for performance. We use them in all aspects of riding and ranch work inside the arena and out. Some have had cutting training, some team roping, some calf roping, and possibly an introduction to dressage: all of our horses have been treated with respect and have been taught to think through any situation presented before them.


We enjoy training horses. There is a special feeling when you see a colt give to the halter for the first time, his first reaction with a saddle on, his lip-smacking when he understands leg pressure, and the feeling of that 1st big stop. We love when our horses take a leap in learning. That is why we train more horses than we can keep - we hope that you get to enjoy them too!


Montana Horses for Sale

Horses currently for sale.  Descriptions, videos, and more information available by clicking the image. 


Please email us with additional questions or to schedule a time to view our horses.


We are currently accepting outside horses! 


Please contact us to see if our training program will fit your needs. We offer initial colt starting to finish work.

Previously Trained Horses

"I appreciate how sensitive and responsive my husband's horses are. I feel that Randy puts that feel in all of his horses. He teaches them to think and to take care of their riders. Part of the reason that I stole Randy's best horse: she knows her job well and gets in the right position to allow me to be a successful roper."


                                                                                                               Kimberly Jones

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